
12 ideas in 12 months to strengthen your Unitarian Universalist identity @Home; and YOU have the homework!
So start brewing that coffee, roll up your sleeves, and share ideas from your own UU@Home journey.
Welcome home!


This month’s idea:
Create a New Family Tradition!

How can you cultivate a sense of UU identity during a season filled with Holidays from other religious traditions? 

It’s simple:
Create your own traditions!

Celebrate the return of light (Winter Solstice) by spending a day in awe of the darkest day of the year.
Candles? Check! Board games? Check!
Soaking in a nice, quiet evening in the midst of Holiday craziness? You bet!

Modify a current Holiday celebration to reflect your UU values or be creative and invent a new one all together.

Here are some ideas to get the Holiday-creating juices flowing:

  •  Make a commitment to consuming less and giving more this Holiday Season.
  •  Set a holiday budget and talk about it as a family.
  •  Light a Chalice during your celebrations.
  •  Make volunteering a part of your annual Holiday celebrations.
  • Turn your New Year’s Day into a time to make a vow to support a local organization or resolve to promote specific UU principles in the New Year.
  • Create a special day devoted to recognizing and learning about many different winter holidays! 
How does your family celebrate the Holiday season and lift up your Unitarian Universalist Principles and Values? 
Start the discussion and share resources below!


  1. Chalica is a new (since 2005) winter holy-day option: it begins the first Monday in December, and runs for seven days, focusing on one Principle each day with reflection, action, service, etc.


  2. Going to FB to "Like".
    "Like" me too
    RVR Design
    Chalice jewelry

  3. I know a few families who are really getting into celebrating Chalica and I have been thinking about writing an article specifically about how that tradition is growing (although the resources out there are pretty splendid!). I love the new ways in which UUs are strengthening their faith identities.... as a lifelong UU I know that I often struggled with finding ways to "own" this holiday season. Thanks for sharing those resources!
