
12 ideas in 12 months to strengthen your Unitarian Universalist identity @Home; and YOU have the homework!
So start brewing that coffee, roll up your sleeves, and share ideas from your own UU@Home journey.
Welcome home!


Our Unitarian Universalist faith tradition calls us to live our Principles and values the very best we can every day of the week; and let’s face it, this is not an easy task! 

Enter UU@Home: 
your source for "Faith Development Month By Month" and support from other UUs who are embarking on the very same journey. 

Whether you are looking for new ways to connect your Sunday morning experiences with your life at home, or if joining a UU community in your area is not an option... or even if you just happened to stumble on this page hoping to learn a little more about our faith, I hope you find what you are looking for! 

Let’s begin this journey together: 12 ideas in 12 months to strengthen UU identity at home and in our world, and a few reflections for the road. So start brewing that coffee, roll up your sleeves and build your UU Home!

a recipe for uu@home success 

Faith Development Month By Month:
Mark your calendars! There so many ways to build a UU Home; check-in each month for a new simple idea to help UUs, young and old, strengthen a sense of UU culture at home. Each post will be chock full of resources and additional ideas to help you along the way. But the adventure doesn’t end there! Here are some more UU@Home tips for success:

  • Document your journey 
  • Contribute ideas 
    • There are many other UUs who are on the same journey; start a discussion and help support your fellow UU! 
  • Pass it on 
    • The bigger the UU@Home online community gets, the bigger our ideas will become! 
  • Explore content
    • Each post will include links to help direct you to other resources (as well as some links just to brighten your day). Take time and check 'em out!
  • Provide Feedback 
    • Is there something you aren’t finding on this page? Let me know and help make this page as useful as possible!

While "Faith Development Month By Month" is the central theme of this blog, this alone seemed a little… incomplete.

Weaving UU principles into one’s home and life isn’t just as simple as starting a new tradition; blazing a new trail brings with it its own brand of baggage. How do we explain new traditions to our non-UU family members and friends? How do we confront a culture that doesn’t always recognize our Principles or even our religion? How do you encourage your child to remain confident in the expression of her UU values even after her peers award her a new nickname, “petition girl,” as a direct result of her latest anti-bullying petition effort? Or comfort your son after he loses yet another of his closest friends because of the church he attends?

The point is that navigating through life as a UU can be challenging, messy, and, at times, let’s face it… it can be downright funny.

So while I will contribute a monthly suggestion to help you survive as a UU@Home, I will also share my insights from my own experiences as a lifelong UU who also happens to be a parent, young adult, and religious educator.

Guest bloggers are always welcome! Reflection submissions can be sent to UUatHome@gmail.com. Share your journey!

Amy Peterson Derrick is a lifelong Unitarian Universalist, Religious Education Director, mother, spouse, wisdom-seeker, star admirer, and a debate-loving, philosophy enthusiast. 

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