
12 ideas in 12 months to strengthen your Unitarian Universalist identity @Home; and YOU have the homework!
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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Books that "Stand on the Side of Love" (Week Four)

In honor of this month's @Home, each week in February will feature a different children's book that honors all families and celebrates love. 
Just by reading and sharing these stories we are all doing our part to help create a culture that affirms the worth and dignity of all persons AND their families. 
No matter what your family looks like, I hope you will take some time to check out some of these books!
Week Four

I was introduced to Uncle Bobby's Wedding by Sarah S. Brannen just in the nick of time! 

My daughter has reached the age when questions about EVERYTHING fill our days; including her wonderings about all of this "getting married" stuff she is surrounded with seemingly every minute of every day (thank you, Disney). Of course, the images that bombard her world tend to feature a very narrow view of what love and marriage looks like. 

Uncle Bobby's Wedding  was a great way for me to begin to address some of my daughter's questions about marriage and weddings and has allowed me to incorporate more diverse representations of marriage into her world view.

Brannen's tale introduces a rather familiar concept: the jealousy a child may feel when he or she learns that a beloved family member may be sharing time with someone new. In this story, Chloe, an adorable hamster, is saddened, even in the midst of her family's celebrations, that her favorite Uncle Bobby will be getting married to Jamie. Chloe adores the time that she gets to spend with her Uncle Bobby and wonders if he will still have time to share with her after he gets married. Of course, by the end of the book (spoiler alert!) Chloe learns that she doesn't have to be jealous of her Uncle's new husband, but that there is enough love to go around. 

Uncle Bobby's Wedding is a sweet story that features themes and characters that speak to the heart of children of all ages. If your little one is beginning to wonder about marriage, why not include this book in your conversations?
So, UU@Home-rs, this is where you come in; in addition to providing four of my own favs, I am turning the tables this month and asking each of you to contribute some of your own great resources for all ages! Add your book recommendations below, or check out the UU@Home facebook page and join the discussion board, post pictures, and don't forget to include a link!

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